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industry 4-0_beratung

Interactive guide for the hardware and software development of avionics

ProfileThe Aviation Engineering Tool (AET) was established, on the basis of the promcenter, in cooperation with the Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik (BIBA) and WIHM-Tech GmbH and developed with the financial support from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The AET is a database-driven and web-based guideline for the development of complex and safety-critical software and hardware according to the international aviation standards DO-178B and DO-254. Company standards such as Airbus's ABD0100 can be easily integrated. Apart from equipment, complex systems such as ARP4754 and ABD0200 could also be developed with the help of the AET.

The Aviation Engineering Tool guides the user through the planning, development and certification phase in avionics engineering. In these phases, users have to follow a set of prescribed lifecycle processes to meet the standards of avionics development and the requirements of the aviation authorities. The AET provides an overview of all processes, taking into account international standards and the company's own guidelines. It provides convenient step-by-step instructions and provides additional and accurate support for each process step and activity. The AET administers several roles - design, verification (V+V), configuration management (CM), quality assurance (QA) - and solves both general and roll-specific user queries.

Download AET Produktbroschüre (pdf)

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